Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Notes 3/04/2010

  • Web 2.0 in the last five years Interactive and Non-expert driven. See, XML (Web 2.0 we are the machine on youtube)
  • Widget/Gadgets they are third party links but the main frame of the web page can allow you to plug it in.
  • igoogle

Google Wave

Last week my group talked about Google Wave. One of the thing I think is facinating about this new piece of technology is the teachers abiliy to see the finished product along with all the work and effort that went into it. As a teacher I feel it would be very useful to use the scroll feature to view the students project in its initial phase then see who contributed to the project and how they were able to help their group. I also really liked google documents. Students are constantly emailing or scaning notes or projects to help out fellow team members. I think google docs could make it easier for students to share notes or information with the teacher or their peers. Another good thing is the student can't just tell you I forgot my notes, they can pull it up online and show them to you. I think all the tools shared in class last time are great and will significantly help us teach in our technologically advanced world.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Internet Safety

The internet is a remarkable tool that can be used for numerous purposes, however, you should also be aware of the risks involved in internet use. Hackers or any other person wishing to scam you will try to gain access to your personal information and passwords using the internet. You should keep all passwords up to date and avoid repeating the same password over and over. Before giving away personal information or downloading software always make sure the company or website is authentic. The five simple rules listen below will help you avoid a scam and keep you safe on the internet.

1 - Avoid reusing passwords across websites, use different ones.
2 - Do not use common passwords, names, addresses or any personal information that is easy for someone else to guess.
3 - Always keep your web browser up to date.
4 - Always keep your Operating system up to date.
5 - Don't respond to question able e-mails or pop - ups that ask you for personal information.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Sorry for some reason when I tried to upload the imovie it didn't provide the link. It should work now sorry for anyone who tried to view it before.


I didn't realize imovie could make such detailed movies. I think its great to learn how to do these things, students these days are very technologically advanced and I think they respect teachers and faculty who understand how to use it and make class interesting. It also helped me grasp the concept better when I had to watch a picture over and over again then simulate it to my narration I think it really helped me understand the Utah Core objective in a way I wouldn't have been able to do otherwise.
here is a link to my imovie